
It’s been several years since I’ve shared (or even selected) a “word of year” for myself. To be honest, the last year I can really recall doing this was in 2017. I chose brave as my word and set a goal for my business to reach $100,000 of gross income. That year, the Lord called […]


Personal, Uncategorized

Sweet Scotty Rhett…my biggest surprise and an even bigger blessing. You’re one year old, son! It seems like just yesterday that I delivered you at home. You certainly have rooted yourself into the deepest parts of my momma-heart. You have brought so much joy into our home. We spent your first birthday surrounded by family. […]

Scotty’s First Birthday


Walking through an unwanted pregnancy, incredibly sick and very much alone, I could not even bring myself to ask for the help I needed. Then, one Friday afternoon, my people came home…

…and they didn’t leave for a year.

Back To School

Personal, Uncategorized

In this season of my healing journey, I no longer deal with shame. The shame was painful and awkward, but the Lord took that from me. I know who’s I am. The guilt was heavy and still creeps in from time to time, but the Lord is gentle and reminds me that HE paid the price so that I don’t have to.

It’s regret. Always regret. 

Thoughts On Regret

Personal, Uncategorized

Katie McGihon Blog Regret