Welcome back, my friends! I’m proud of you for being here. Today, we begin the hard, heart work of identifying our fears. Are you cringing yet? I’m not a huge fan of this part ready to dig in! Get that pen and paper ready, set that timer and write. What are the hurts that you are […]
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When fellow photographer Courtney contacted me and shared her vision of a pastel shoot in the desert, I was quite intrigued. Then, once she expressed her interest in a hybrid session (a mix of film and digital), I was absolutely sold. We had such a lovely time laughing and exploring. I’ve been pretty crazy about […]
You guys – another beautiful, gracious, warm and thoughtful bride who loves my minty blue color. How lucky am I?! Paige and Joey’s wedding was held at the bride’s aunt and uncle’s home in Rancho Mirage. The bridesmaid dresses were handmade and so many thoughtful details were the result of the love and help of […]