You guys – you did it! You did the hard work: you identified your fears, you defined what fires you up and now? Now – we act! This big-dreaming, brainstorming, watch-out-world-because-I’m-coming-for-you is one of my favorite things to do. Can you tell I’m just a little bit excited today? Get your pen and paper out and let’s get messy.

Go ahead and set your trusty timer for another 5 minutes and just let those hopes, dreams and thoughts fly. Get wild with your ideas, have no fear, no one is holding you back here. GO!

Done? Great. Now, let’s narrow those wild ideas down into our goals for 2017. Don’t just set arbitrary goals. “I want to lose 10 pounds” is a common New year’s resolution/goal, but why? Why do you want to lose 10 pounds? Why is that number significant to you? Perhaps a better way to approach something like this would be, “I want to eat well and exercise so that I have more energy for my family”.

Can I share something with you? For roughly a month now, I’ve been toying around with the idea that I would feel successful if I made $100,000 in 2017.

Seriously, Katie? (<——I had to ask myself that because I needed a heart check)

Why $100,000? Do I need $100,000? No, no I do not. A better way for me to approach this would be, “I’d like to make enough money to continue to help support my family, and also significantly contribute to our savings for our future wedding venue.” My family and dreaming about the future just light my heart on fire, so now, that financial goal is tied to what matters most. BOOM. #winning

Look back on your answer to the first 2 parts of this series and let’s write meaningful goals that are NOT hindered by the fears that are holding us captive.

Without further adieu, here are my 2017 Goals:

  1. To create a portfolio that dramatically changes the trajectory of my business. (this means transitioning to all film by the end of the year)
  2. To make enough money to continue to help support my family, and also significantly contribute to our savings for our future wedding venue. (this pricing for profit and setting some major, yet challenging boundaries)
  3. Step OUT of my fears and step INTO the worship leader that Christ is equipping me to be. (this means no more self-doubt, and more asking for help/mentoring/leaders pushing me in the right direction)
  4. Care for my body in a meaningful way so that I feel healthy/more energized and focused for my family and business. (this means no/low dairy, less sugar, more raw and whole foods, more vegan meals and a modest exercise regimen)
  5. Adventure with my family to new places and create lasting memories.
  6. Feed my soul by getting back into a morning quite time routine and reading 12 in 12 (12 books in 12 months)
  7. Make meal planning a priority so that we eat well

Believe it or not, I’m still working on a few others. These things matter to me. I’m taking the above list very seriously and I hope you’ll be taking yours seriously as well.

OK friends, we’ve made it to the end. I’m so proud of you for starting this journey! Feel free to leave your goals in the comments below if you’d like accountability. I can’t wait to make things happen with you in 2017!


Setting Meaningful Goals – Your Next Steps

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