Hello, Blogettes! I’m happy you’re here.

I’ve often been asked to share outfit posts on my blog. For the longest time, this baffled me. I mean, c’mon. I’m a mom. I always have drool in my hair, a baby on my hip, a six year old who wants me to paint with her and a 7 year old who needs a snack. There is nothing I can say about fashion….right?

Then I turned 30 and decided to let go of this irrational fear that people will think I’m silly if I blog about something other than photography. It turns out that I can put a decent outfit together, and for a decent price! I’d love to share a few tips and tricks about shopping for you ladylike fashionistas that don’t like to spend a ton on a great outfit.

The outfit below is one of my current favs, and if you’re a follower of my Instagram feed, you’ve likely seen it more than once!


1. Buy the basics. I love this chambray shirt something fierce. I’ve found a million and one ways to wear it and it cost me only $25. I purchased it from Old Navy last season. You can find a similar one here.

2. Buy your “splurge” on sale. This might seem pretty straight forward, but let’s dive a bit deeper here. I don’t know about you, but when the seasons change and the new lines come out, it is very difficult for me to resist the urge to drop some serious cash on that coat or those brown, leather riding roots. I wanted the skirt in these images for months. Months! It’s from Anthropologie and I believe the first time I saw it, it was in the $150 range. While some may not consider $150 for a gorgeous skirt a “splurge”, I certainly do. That $150 put my daughter in gymnastics for the entire summer. I waited about 8 weeks (and it didn’t kill me), and eventually purchased the skirt for $39.95. I’m all for a splurge, but trust me, wait. The price will drop drastically the minute something new arrives in stores and you will still love your piece just as much, if not more if you have to wait for it.

3. Accessorize. Again, very straight forward, but how many times have you skipped putting on a chunky necklace or bracelet for fear that your little one would pull on it and break it? Ladies, if an infant can pull on your jewelry and break it, you need to purchase better jewelry. Period. Before you get mad at me, hear me out. We all know that Forever 21 has super cute and cheap and sparkly things, but we all also know that a $5 necklace is a $5 necklace and it will break if you turn your head too quickly. A couple of my favorite stores to purchase inexpensive, decent quality accessories are Francesca’s and Charming Charlie. I’m also a huge fan of Stella & Dot so if you can spend a bit more, S&D is the way to go.


Feel free to leave your love and/or questions in the comment box…happy shopping!

What I Wore-Volume 1

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