Febuary Goals With Grace

Happy February! How did you all do last month? Did you make things happen? I surely hope so.

In the interest of authenticity, I’d like to share my own progress from last month….and I’m not completely thrilled about it…


1. Finish editing my last 2 December weddings

2. Clean out and back up all session on the iMac (just did this on the Macbook Pro and it took 4 hours…yikes)

3. Photograph 2 weddings, 1 engagement session, and 3 portrait sessions (we added a second engagement session as well!)

4. Submit one wedding for a possible blog feature (yay!)

5. Finish reading my 1st book of 12 for this year

6. Reanalyze our cost of doing business/pricing structure

7. Throw Ava a birthday party (yes, I have to actually write that one out…) (BAD MOMMY)

8. Design and order another sample album (I started working on this and just haven’t pulled the trigger on finishing/ordering)

9. Morning quiet time-every day. (did-not-happen)

10. Host a giveaway!!!!!

SOOOOO there you have it. I didn’t accomplish a few important things that I really wanted to accomplish. However, I’ll have you know that we are planning a lunch date for Ava and her friends to celebrate her birthday, I swear, it’s happening. This month, for sure.

As far as a morning quiet time…I’m thinking that this just might not be realistic. Carolina is still nursing 3 times a night. I’m exhausted. My toddler sleeps like a newborn. Perhaps afternoon, or bed time quiet time would be more feasible.

February Goals With grace

1. Finish editing my January Weddings

2. Renew our Disney passes

3. Order that gorgeous, new sample album

4. Photograph one amazing elopement and a gorgeous wedding, as well as a few portrait sessions

5. Get dressed up and attend 2 fabulous events! (Kud Properties’ Mad Men Mixer and the Palm Springs Style magazine launch-yay!)

6. Afternoon quiet time

7. Find a letterpress paperie I love and order more business cards

8. Go on a killer and romantic date with my Hubby for Valentine’s Day (are you reading this, Scotty?)

9. Find a milk alternative that Carolina loves

10. Cuddle with my babies…all of them…way more often.


  1. Scotty says:

    Yes, I’m reading this. When is Valentine’s Day???

  2. Scotty says:

    Me and you, Blue Eyes. Valentine’s Day @ Kaiser Grille. Can’t wait to celebrate with you. I love you more and more…each and everyday.

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