So I woke up today, and it hit me….it’s February.
Seriously. Seriously?
Can someone please tell me how we got here? January flew by and ready or not, we begin another month. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and I’ll be focusing my energy on shooting my own babies (and a certain, tiny nephew that I’m crazy about) for this lovey-dovey holiday. As photographers, we often hold holiday themed mini sessions for everyone else’s children, and not for our own. I’m changing that this year, and pouring myself into photographing the ones I love the most. Photographing my own kids is never easy, there is much yelling, screaming, tantrum throwing and storming off….mostly by me. I will most certainly need a glass of wine beforehand….
February Goals
1. Photograph my children for Valentine’s Day
2. Finish my 2nd book of 12 in 12, Here I Am To Worship (the first one, One Thousand Gifts was amazing)
3. Teach my first Lovely Light workshop
4. Get back on track with juicing and supplements for the kids
5. Order prints from our family session (this was a January goal that I didn’t accomplish)
6. Order a new sample album
7. Thoroughly enjoy this month, and celebrate LOVE, everyday
(coming soon to the blog….Danielle and Derek…The Valentine Session)
I’m REALLY excited about #3!!!