
My journey through postpartum hair loss and how Monat helped me overcome it all.

How I Finally Reversed My Postpartum Hair Loss


Buried within the many, beautiful boards on my Pinterest profile was a board I had titled “The Body”. This was the secret place that every ab challenge, squat challenge, diet idea, detox water recipe, “get fit” reads and more lived. It was the place where I kept “inspiration images” for my “someday” body. It was […]

Why I Deleted My “Body” Board (And Why You Should Too!)


My goodness – another year is upon us and I thought it only fitting that the first blog post around here should be a family post. They have my heart. I can’t believe the good Lord would see fit to bless me with these 4 treasures. Scott and I still look at each other from […]

McGihon Family Portraits – 2017


I sit here, freshly recovered from a week-long flu, coffee to my right, coughing husband to my left and I wonder…was I brave this year? My word for the year in 2017 was brave. In January, I created audacious goals for my business, set the bar (and my expectations for myself) very high and you know […]

2017 – Brave
