Happy Monday Bloggers and Blogettes. We have someone that we’d like you to meet…someone very special and close to our hearts. The newest member of the Max And Poppy family. Meet Noelle, our Administrator Of Awesome (we don’t like the word “assistant”). We have needed an extra hand for quite some time and we’re so […]
Earlier today, I was organizing/packing everything for tomorrow’s wedding in Cherry Valley, and I posted this quick photo on Instagram (you can follow me @katiemcgihon). Since posting that image on twitter, facebook and Instagram, I’ve had a few emails, comments, and questions about what we shoot with. Please note that today I was only packing for myself. […]
Whenever Julianna Morlet asks me to write for her, I do a little happy dance. Not only is she the author of a popular blog, but she’s a fellow worship leader, has an interest in photography, art, fashion, and she just floats my boat. Her July series (The Bad and The Beautiful of Creativity) really […]