Happy Monday, fellow bloggers and bloggettes! I hope that your weekend was restful and that you’re making great things happen this week. First of all, thank you for all of your sweet words and support regarding the re-launch. After reading all of your comments, emails and congratulatory text messages, I know now, more than ever, […]
Hello, sweet friends. It’s been quite some time since you’ve heard from me, and while my little Summer respite was wonderful, I’m thrilled to be back and to finally introduce you to my new website/blog/brand. I don’t even know where to begin! Those closest to me have questioned my decision to rebrand (again) throughout this […]
Deafening silence. Stillness amidst chaos. The craving of rest when there is no rest to be had. Such is life lately: utter chaos, sporadically speckled with moments of calm. I remain in His hands, knowing that He has a plan. We’re moving. There, I said it, so now it’s real. We’re packing up and leaving […]