
“Sweet Caroli…na….a…..aaaaaa”. You can hear the song, can’t you? A few photographs of the littlest McGihon at 2 weeks old. Le sigh. Contax 645 | Fuji 400h | Richard Photo Lab  

Carolina -2 Weeks Old

Film, Personal

Carolina Tru, two weeks…more to come…but I had to post this image. My heart! Contax 645 | Fuji 400h | Richard Photo Lab  

My Heart

Film, Personal

Before we begin, a few friendly disclaimers… 1. There are tasteful images of me nursing my daughter in this blog post. If you are someone’s husband, please respectfully ask your beautiful wife to preview and approve this blog post for your viewing. 2. This is quite the story and some of the wordage will be […]

Carolina Tru: A Birth Story

Personal, Uncategorized

Every now and again, you just need to throw in the towel and escape. Toward the end of June, my sister-in-law and I were feeling quite fed up with life and 100 degree temperatures and decided that we needed some lovely to help us make it to July. One Sunday after church, we gussied up […]

The Lavender Festival 2013

Engagements, Film, Personal