
Last January I was pumped. I mean, 2013 was going to be the year that I just tore it up, so to speak. My house was going to be spotless, we were going to take spontaneous trips often, I was going to shoot my little heart out (with a camera, of course) and dig deeper into […]


Film, Personal

Hello, 2014. I’ve been waiting for you. We all have. You see, your younger sister, 2013, was a difficult year. 2013 brought change and intense heart ache for me and my family…heartache doesn’t typically make the blog, so we pray quietly, holding on to the hope that soon, it will be better. It WILL be […]

Hello, 2014

Film, Personal

My sweet, first daughter. Today you are six years old. My, these six years have flown by. It feels like just yesterday that you were a borderline premie, small and grumpy and never truly happy unless your soft cheek was resting on my warm skin… May you continue to grow in beauty and grace! May […]

Happy Birthday Ava


  Just checking in to wish all of you a belated “Merry Christmas”! I killed two birds with one stone this year and combined Carolina’s birth announcement with our Christmas Card. Many thanks to the lovely and talented Holly Priest for designing such a beautiful card for us! Now that I have 3 children, it’s […]

Merry Christmas

Film, Personal