
First of all I can’t tell if I love this little slogan or hate it, but until I think of something better, it will do. I’ve been wanting to host a casual morning with fellow photographers for quite some time now and have finally decided to make it happen. The details… Who: anyone who loves […]

I Wanna See Your Face


OK friends…I suppose I should share a few more of these images with you since the sneak peek on Instagram and Facebook has been met with such love (you guys are amazing…have I told you that lately?!). Carolina and I had the opportunity to model for a concept shoot at the Salton Sea a few […]

Queen Of Decay

Personal, Styled Shoots

Every now and again, our kiddos just really, really feel the need to run up and down the “big hills” like maniacs (AKA the golf course at the end of the street). I’m happy to oblige. I’m sure the golfer in my husband cringes when we do this. I do, however, wait until the sun […]

Afternoons With Ava

Family, Film, Personal

Oh my sweet baby, where has the time gone? You’re already 5 month old as I finally get around to posting these images of you at 4 months. At 4 months, you had crazy hair (that I trimmed…just a snip here and there), you hated being on your tummy, you were (and are still) waking […]

Carolina-4 Months

Film, Personal