
I’m a goal setter. I love making things happen. Tell me I can’t do something and then just sit back and watch me. I’m just wired this way, wired to achieve. It’s a blessing and a curse. SO, when I finally settled on a membership/eCourse platform, one of the (many) things that swayed me toward […]

Kajabi Hero


Well, the day/week/month of our very first digital product has officially come and gone. Whew! What a whirlwind. It was exhilarating to see people purchasing the Lovely Light Presets and accessing the member area. I did a little happy dance each time someone jumped on board! (PS – NO IDEA what I’m talking about? We […]

Launch Day Lessons


Launch day lessons for the successful creative entreprenuer

Hi photogra-friends! Today’s post is all about mailing lists! I think there are two types of people out there…you’re either fist pumping at the idea of talking about mailing lists or you’re literally crying in the corner over your lack thereof. Trust me, I was the latter of the two just a few months ago. […]

How I Doubled My Mailing List In 30 Days


Hello, lovelies! A bit of news for you…the new KMP brand and website are live! I’m just thrilled and do hope you have time to take a look around. My new brand is light, refine and oh-so-lovely. It feels like a breath of fresh air. After I took a full-time ministry position this past summer, […]

New Site and Brand Refresh
